Leadership Team


The board of directors plays an important role in the management of Bank SinoPac. The major functions and duties of the board include setting the bank's development strategies, monitoring the bank's operational performance, and establishing friendly relationship with third parties on behalf of the bank. The board of Bank SinoPac currently consists of nine directors. Inducing three independent directors. All the directors are professionals of great renown and talent, who contribute invaluable insight in management to the bank.

Professional Job Title name Job Experience & Education
Chairman TSAO, Wei-Thyr
  • Director, SinoPac Holdings.
  • Director, SinoPac Securities Corp.
  • Senior Consultant of Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
  • Managing Director, Acting President in Taiwan, and Head of Global Finance and Risk Solutions for Greater China, Barclays Capital Asia Ltd.
  • Managing Director of Morgan Stanley Asia Ltd.
  • Executive Vice President and Head of Group Fixed Income, China Development Financial Holding Co.
  • MBA, National Taiwan University.
  • Bachelor of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University.
  • CFA holder
Director Shi-Kuan CHEN
  • Chairman, SinoPac Holdings
  • Chairman, SinoPac SITC
  • President of Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research
  • Deputy Dean of College of Management, National Taiwan University
  • Director, Chairperson and Professor of Department of International Business, National Taiwan University
  • Independent Director of DBS Bank (Taiwan)
  • Director of Mega Holdings
  • Supervisor of Mega International Commercial Bank
  • Ph.D. in Economics, Yale University, U.S.A.
Director Stanley CHU
  • Director and President, SinoPac Holdings
  • Chairman, SinoPac Securities Corp.
  • Director, Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation
  • Director, Taiwan Futures Exchange
  • Chairman, Cathay Securities Corporation
  • Adjunct Professional Expert, Graduate Institute of International Business, National Taiwan University
  • Spokesman and Senior Executive Vice President, Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation
  • Director / Senior Executive Vice President, Taiwan Futures Exchange
  • Chairman and President, KGI Futures Co., Ltd.
  • EMBA, National Taiwan University
Director CHEN, Chia-Hsien
  • Director and President, SinoPac Holdings
  • Chairman, SinoPac Call Center Co., Ltd.
  • Director, International Bank of Taipei
  • MBA, University of Virginia, USA
Director Kerry HSU
  • Chief Financial Officer & Spokesperson and Head of Finance Management Division, SinoPac Holdings
  • Chairman, SinoPac Venture Capital Co., Ltd.
  • Director of SinoPac Securities Investment Trust Co., Ltd.
  • Director of SinoPac Asset Management (Asia) Ltd.
  • Director of Golden Trust SinoPac Fund Management Co., Ltd.
  • EMBA, China Europe International Business School
  • MBA, University of Texas at Arlington
Director Eric CHUANG
  • Director, Bank SinoPac(China) Ltd.
  • Chief Investment officer & Chief Financial officer & Chief Operations officer & Spokesperson
  • President, SinoPac Securities Corp.
  • Senior Vice President, China Development Industrial Bank
  • EMBA, China Europe International Business School
Independent Director LIN, Yu-Fen
  • Managing Partner, Lex & Honor Law Offices
  • Independent Director, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.
  • Independent Director, ShareHope Medicine Co., Ltd.
  • Corporate Lawyer, Lee and Li Attorneys-At-Law
  • National Taiwan University with the double degree of LL.B. and B.A.
Independent Director Chih-Cheng SU
  • Partner, Elite YC & Co., CPAs
  • CPA, YHC & CO., CPAs
  • Independent Director, Ralink Technology, Corp.
  • Independent Director, Chunghwa Precision Test Tech. Co., Ltd.
  • MBA, Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey
  • B.S., Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Independent Director Tsung-Ming SU
  • Senior Vice President, Uni-President
  • Chairman, AndroScience Corp
  • Director, Grand Bills Finance Corporation
  • Director, ScinoPharm Taiwan, Ltd.
  • Director, Century Tokyo Corporation
  • Senior Vice President, Citibank Taiwan Taipei Branch
  • MBA, University of Iowa, USA

The managers and employees with professional discipline play vital roles in sustaining the operation of the bank. The managers and employees of SinoPac are all experienced professionals with international visions, sound knowledge background, innovative management ideas, and creative development strategies. SinoPac's strong management team is the driving force behind the bank's solid growth.

Title name
President Eric CHUANG
Senior Executive Vice President & Corporate governance officer
& Chief Secretary
Senior Executive Vice President Chien-fa CHUANG
Senior Executive Vice President Chia-hsing CHEN
Senior Executive Vice President &
Head of Retail Products
Benjamin TIEN
Senior Executive Vice President &
Regional General Manager
Brian LIN
Senior Executive Vice President &
Head of Corporate Credit Risk Management Division
Senior Executive Vice President Benjamin LIN
Senior Executive Vice President &
Head of Corporate Banking Business
Stephen OUYANG
Senior Executive Vice President &
Head of Risk Management Division
Senior Executive Vice President &
Head of Overseas Business & Corporate Products & Head of Overseas Business Division
Alton WANG
Senior Executive Vice President &
Head of Human Resources Division
Chia-hung LIAO
Senior Executive Vice President &
Head of Administration Division
King HO
Senior Executive Vice President &
Head of Financial Markets Division
Jeffrey C.C. HUANG
Senior Executive Vice President &
Chief Information Security Officer &
Head of Information Security Division
Sean LEE
Senior Executive Vice President Tien-hao CHANG
Executive Vice President & Chief Auditor Jih-tien CHEN
Executive Vice President &
Head of Legal Division
Josephine CHEN
Executive Vice President &
Chief Compliance Officer &
Head of  Compliance Division
Ariel KAO
Executive Vice President &
Head of I.T.,Digital Banking & Operations
Martin CHANG
Executive Vice President &
Head of Retail Banking Business
Derek HSU
Executive Vice President &
Hong Kong Branch Manager
Russell C. L. LIN
Executive Vice President &
Head of Wealth Management Division
Lloyd TSAI
Executive Vice President &
Head of Retail Banking Division
Walkings LEE
Executive Vice President &
Head of President Office & Acting Spokesperson
Executive Vice President &
Long-Chi HSIAO
Executive Vice President Shun-hsing LIAO