Dear Customer,
歡迎您蒞臨永豐銀行網路客戶服務中心,各項金融資訊或最新活動,建議可先透過24小時「 智慧小豐」即時互動諮詢,若您對我們有任何建議,煩請留下您寶貴的意見,以作為我們改進的目標及方向!為能儘速回覆並解決您的問題,打「*」為必填欄位,煩請您務必填寫,謝謝您!
Welcome to Bank Sinopac website. If you have any questions or recommendations, please leave your valuable opinions below so that we may make the corresponding improvements. (Fields marked「 * 」are mandatory!)
Reminder: for urgent requests (ex. card loss reporting or personal accounts problems), please call our 24-hour customer service center (service hotline 886-2-2505-9999、0800-088-111 for local calls).