
Reminder: for urgent requests (ex. card loss reporting or personal accounts problems), please call our 24-hour customer service center (service hotline 886-2-2505-9999、0800-088-111 for local calls).

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(為加快服務速度,建議您可填寫聯絡電話) 若為國外地區,建議填寫可由台灣直撥之完整電話號碼或註明您所在的國家名稱,以利客服人員聯繫。(Please add Country Codes if you are in a foreign country.)

本人已審閱並清楚知悉 貴行履行「永豐銀行個人資料蒐集、處理及利用告知義務內容」 I have read and am aware of the Contents of Bank SinoPac’s Obligation to Inform regarding the collection, processing and use of personal data