Customer Relations
SinoPac Holdings provides customers with localized and personalized services, while attaching importance to interaction with them and listening to their voices. SinoPac Holdings also pursues excellent service attitude, professional service quality and friendly service space at premises like online channels, physical branches/offices, or telephone transaction. In addition, SinoPac Holdings protects customers' rights, in that it regards the treating customers fairly principle as the core of corporate culture, and makes the principle a value system, a code of conduct that the enterprise as a whole follows, and a compliance with which employees protect customers' rights. SinoPac Holdings also strengthens staff’s compliance with financial consumer protection laws and regulations, aiming to boost customer confidence to the Company and thus achieve sustainable business operation and development.
Customer Satisfaction and Customer Feedback Mechanisms
SinoPac Holdings is customer-oriented and values the opinions of customers. In order to ensure the implementation of customer rights, Bank SinoPac and SinoPac Securities not only carry out customer satisfaction surveys every year, but also provide customers with a multiple feedback mechanism, so that their valuable opinions and their problems faced can be heard and sorted out in a timely manner.
Customer Satisfaction
Bank SinoPac values customer groups with different attributes. In 2021, a satisfaction survey and a customer service staff satisfaction survey were conducted for over-the-counter customers, digital account-opening customers and general customers. The satisfaction rate was over 90%.
Customer Satisfaction Survey Results

Customer Service and Feedback Mechanism
Service Channel |
Content |
Customer Service Hotline |
- Customer service hotline: 24-hour year-round customer service hotlines are established to provide customers with audio and dedicated personnel services. customer service specialists provide comprehensive services for inquiries, applications, fund transfer, time deposit, foreign exchange, securities and funds, etc.
- Online customer services: The MMA eBanking and SinoTrade provides various inquiries and transaction functions as well as online telephone to connect to customer service personnel for services.
Smart Customer Service |
- Bank SinoPac adopts natural language processing technologies to provide customers with various financial services and product consultation for instantaneous one-click interactive services. The Bank can use identity verification to provide customers with multiple account functions and connect to online customer services for uninterrupted services.
Satisfaction Survey |
- Telephone customer service satisfaction survey: Bank SinoPac directs customers that called into customer services into an audio system after the services to provide an objective and real-time satisfaction survey.
- Bank customer satisfaction survey: Bank SinoPac set up a customer satisfaction survey team to carry out the survey tasks. In 2019, it conducted "Over-the-Counter Customer Satisfaction Survey" and a "Cloud Account- Opening Service Satisfaction Survey" to collect customer opinions on different service so as to enhance services closer to customer expectations.
- Wealth management satisfaction survey: Each quarter, Bank SinoPac implements telephone surveys on customers who have purchased wealth management products in the previous quarter to understand the customers' investment attributes, satisfaction and recommendations on the investments, product suitability and service quality of the sales person in order to protect the rights of customers.
Virtual Channel |
- Internet bank, mobile bank, line official account
Physical Channel |
- The branch network of SinoPac Holdings' subsidiaries
Seminar |
- Wealth management seminars, lectures or related activities are organized based on business needs to interact with customers and collect their opinions.
Website link |