Sustainable Finance Blueprint


To align with the sustainable vision and development blueprint of SinoPac Holdings, and to respond to the three sustainability commitments of SinoPac Holdings to "Reduce Inequality," "Mitigate and Adapt to Climate Change" and "Promote Inclusive Growth", Bank SinoPac has formulated four action plans, namely "Improve accessibility of financial services", "Support the development of the green energy industry", "Raising climate awareness(customers)", and "Supporting the growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs)". Additionally, we have established short-term, medium-term, and long-term action plans and adopted a rolling revision approach.

Bank SinoPac has signed the statement of compliance with the Stewardship Principles for Institutional Investors and established the "Stewardship Policy." Furthermore, we signed the Equator Principles (EPs) in 2020.

Bank SinoPac continuously guides individual and corporate customers to consider environmental sustainability and social issues by establishing responsible investment and lending practices. We also actively develop various sustainable finance products and services such as green or low-carbon transformation and financial inclusion, combining the core financial industry to promote the sustainable development of the environment and society, and practicing ESG through concrete actions.

SinoPac Holdings "Sustainable Finance Policy"


Summary of the Results in the 2023 Sustainable Development Plan

Strategy Achievements

Actively develop green financial products

  1. Issued NTD 2 billion in sustainable development bonds for renewable energy and energy technology projects.

  2. Financing for solar photovoltaic energy generation equipment for corporate clients exceeds NTD 100 billion, with a 28% market share in installation capacity.

  3. Facilitated financing for agricultural and ground-based power plants, and emerging renewable energy equipment.

  4. Arranged an NTD 1 billion syndicated loan for solar and energy storage integration projects.

  5. Provided financial services for green energy trading and power supply transfer.

  6. Promoted energy conservation and carbon reduction products, such as green mortgages and consumption carbon footprint functionalities.

Implement responsible investment

  1. Expanded ESG due diligence in 2023 to include aspects of biodiversity, social, and corporate governance.

  2. Enhanced ESG investment processes with risk management and sustainable strategic positions, and defined controversial industries and sensitive economic activities.

  3. Refined governance evaluations in due diligence.

  4. Integrated the "Taiwan Sustainable Taxonomy" into investment processes.

Implement responsible lending

  1. Strengthened the Environmental and Social Risk Team by implementing Equator Principles 4.0.

  2. Promoted green credit to guide corporate transformation through funding.

  3. Piloted ESG ratings and dashboards for public companies as a credit decision reference.

  4. Integrated the "Taiwan Sustainable Taxonomy" by FSC into financing processes.

Promote inclusive financial services

  1. Offered small, fee-free revolving credit loans for families

  2. Launched micro-enterprise loans with an online application platform and dedicated consultation services.

  3. Introduced Braille combo cards for the visually impaired persons , with card retrieval assistance and SMS notifications for all transactions.

  4. Added online loan application messaging and a dedicated mailbox for migrant workers, enhancing consultation channels.

  5. Continued to offer startup funding for young entrepreneurs, first home purchase mortgages, deposits, funds, and various micro-products, supporting inclusive finance.

Promote Digital Innovation (Services)

  1. Promoted and optimized digital products like "DAWHO," "SinoPac Robot Advisor - ibrAin," "ShareShares Regular Savings Plan in US Stocks," and "DACARD".

  2. Enhanced traditional processes (Smooth), provided intelligent services (Smart), and personalized in-branch experiences (Sweet) to offer fully digital branch services.